   -    Access Control      
   -    Human Resources      
   -    Time and Attendance      
   -    Payroll      
   -    Group Control      
   -    Asset Management      
   -    Web-Enabled Access      
   - Values      

Our Values


At Iconic Systems we believe that constant Research and Development is key. The Information Technology sector is ever changing with new legislation, new technology and new practices. Iconic has a team of R+D professionals making sure that our systems stay at the forefront, providing its customers with the best possible solution. Recent technological advances include migrating to our cloud based solutions and integrating GPRS data collection technology.


Flexibility is crucial. Software solutions can only deliver business benefits if they are an exact fit to the needs of the organization. eTRIM plus is fully scalable, allowing clients to pick the modules that match their needs.


We ensure that client’s project continuity is an important consideration in the successful delivery and support of your business solution. This process begins pre-sale; reducing implementation times and reducing the costs involved with project management.

The Project Team is experienced in Project Management adapting Prince 2 methodology and has successfully implemented systems within a wide range of organisations. This supportive unit manages all aspects of the project including installation, training, consultancy and technical support.


We offers an excellent level of support. All help desks are staffed by employees with both technical and business expertise, and all calls are logged on our support system, so that you are able to track the progress of your calls. If your problem cannot be resolved at the first point of contact, it can be escalated to members of the Technical Team.




tel. 08455213319